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  • Sunday 30 December 2012

    Penjualan Rokok di Indonesia

    "Tidak dijual kepada orang belum dewasa"
        Begitulah tulisan yang sering kita liat pada bungkus rokok, dengan jelas bahwa rokok tidak dapat diperjual belikan secara bebas. Namun hal ini sangat berbanding terbalik dengan kenyataan yang sering kita lihat dimana rokok dapat mudah berpindah tangan antara penjual dan pembeli. 

        Rokok merupakan barang yang dikenai cukai namun pada kenyataannya cukai rokok di Indonesia merupakan yang paling murah didunia. Jadi tidak heran mengapa rokok di Indonesia sangat murah diantara negara lainnya. Harga rokok di Indonesia berkisar dari Rp. 8.000 - Rp. 15.000 sedangkan dinegara lain contohnya Singapura harga rokok berkisar 12.80 - 13 dolar Singapura atau seharga Rp. 92.000 - Rp. 100.000, harga yang sangat  mahal untuk 1 bungkus rokok. Hal lainnya, rokok di Indonesia dapat dibeli eceran sesuai dengan keinginan, bahkan dengan uang seribu rupiah pun anda sudah dapat menghisap rokok yang anda inginkan. Itu mengapa generasi muda dengan mudahnya masuk dalam jurang kematian rokok.

        Indonesia menempati peringkat ke 3 dalam kategori Negara Pengkonsumsi Rokok Terbesar di Dunia ini membuktikan bahwa masyarakat Indonesia sangat konsumtif terhadap rokok, namun hal yang paling mengejutkan adalah masyarakat pengkonsumsi rokok terbesar berasa dari penduduk miskin, dimana enam dari sepuluh penduduk miskin mengalokasikan dana untuk rokok.

        Bukankah ini hal yang sangat menyedihkan? Kita sebagai generasi muda harus berjuang untuk memerangi penjualan rokok secara bebas di Indonesia. Namun hal yang paling penting, bagaimana kita generasi muda mulai menerapkan hidup sehat tanpa rokok. STOP smoking starts from NOW!

    source:http://www.kabar-priangan.com/news/detail/2940 - http://m.inilah.com/read/detail/1875685/inilah-para-jawara-bisnis-rokok

    Does Smoke Aid Weight Loss?

        Some people or smokers think that cigarette is one factor of their success diet. Unfortunately, there's no research that support this statement.

        Nicotine has been known to cause a decrease in appetite, which may be why many smokers appear to be thinner than their non-smoking counterparts.
    Fact: "Nicotine in cigarettes speeds the metabolism, which causes the body to burn more calories more quickly. As a result, those who smoke high amounts of nicotine may appear to lose weight. However, once the nicotine is removed from their body (such as when they choose to quit smoking) it will be easier than usual to gain weight because their metabolism will slow down again."
         That's why when you're quit smoking you will gain weight, you will eat more than often because you reach for snacks as a substitute for cigarettes, of course food tastes better than cigarette.

        Maybe smoking is your reason to keep your weight stable but smoking isn't a reason to stay healthy. STOP smoking starts from NOW! 

    Source: http://www.helium.com/items/685684-does-smoking-aid-weight-loss

    Tuesday 25 December 2012

    Smoking and Environmental

        Hey smokers, pernahkah kalian berpikir setiap puntung rokok yang kalian buang membutuhkan waktu 1,5 sampai 2,5 tahun untuk terurai dalam tanah? memerlukan waktu sekitar satu tahun untuk terurai di air tawar dan sekitar lima tahun untuk terurai oleh air laut/air asin. Tanah yang seharusnya menghasilkan air bersih pun harus tercemar kemurniannya. Bahan-bahan kimia yang berasal dari puntung rokok akan terserap oleh tanah dan bayangkan air tersebut kita gunakan untuk keperluan sehari-hari dan bahkan air yang tercemar tersebut kita gunakan untuk minum!

         Ketika hujan turun, maka puntung rokok akan sangat mudah terbawa air hujan masuk ke selokan, dan terus terbawa ke sungai, pelabuhan dan ke laut. Bahan kimia berbahaya yang dikandung puntung rokok ini dan puntung rokoknya akan menurunkan kualitas air karena zat-zat berbahaya didalam puntung rokok seperti  kadmium dan timah dapat mudahnya larut dalam waktu satu jam saja dan mematikan kehidupan di laut karena hewan laut menganggap puntung rokok adalah makanannya. Bahkan sering ditemukan puntung rokok didalam perut burung dan kura-kura.

        Tidak sampai disitu, asap rokok yang dihembuskan keudara juga merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar polusi udara. Bahkan putung rokok yang masih menyala dibuang kelahan kering dapat menyebabkan kebakaran rumput dan semak-semak hanya dalam waktu tiga jam! Dengan informasi ini, masihkah kalian tetap merokok? Cintai lingkungan kita dan orang-orang disekitar kita. Matikan rokok kalian sekarang juga!

    Source: http://shabiramaharani.wordpress.com/2010/07/25/bahaya-rokok-terhadap-lingkungan/


    Smoking Parents vs Children Behaviour

    "Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate."

        What do you guys think about parents who smoking around their children? I know that's not good, not only for your children health but also their behavior. Kids are fast learners, they are great imitators. So, they will imitate what they see.
    Do you remember? Aldi, a little boy from South Sumatera who smoke 2 Packs or equal to 40 cigarettes/day. Can you imagine? 40 cigarettes in ONE DAY!! this is absolutely not good. Childhood is the time where your children spend their time for a good thing, of course a great time to learn something great. 

        Based on study, led by Marie-Jo Brion at the University of Bristol, mother’s smoking increased by an average of 53% the risk that children would be aggressive, break rules, bully, cheat or otherwise display disobedient behavior, compared to kids of non smoking moms. and in another case, children from smoking parents has a lower learning ability.

        Smoking affect your children health also their physical and intellectual development. So, still wanna smoking around your children? but I suggest you to stop smoking. Cleaner air, Healthier life!

    source: http://healthland.time.com/2010/06/28/how-parental-smoking-affects-kids/
               Pic courtesy of: http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/2006/quit-smoking-in-australia/ 

    Sunday 23 December 2012

    Smoking Quotes

    Stay Classy without Kill yourself

    Friday 21 December 2012

    Myths about quit Smoke

        Smoke surely killing you, unless you're smokers or not. you know that passive smokers smoking isn't exactly the best thing for your health. Smokers hang on to a variety of myths that ultimately keep them addicted. The fact is that there's no good reason to keep puffing. Any way you look at it, tobacco causes multiple types of cancer, heart disease, cataracts and pneumonia, and shaves years off your life. Every year, nearly 450,000 Americans die of tobacco-related illness. Fortunately, research has conclusively shown that smokers can successfully quit with proper treatment, from behavioral therapy to nicotine replacement systems to medications. To debunk the common myths that keep smokers smoking, we spoke to Iyaad Hasan, medical director of the Cleveland Clinic Tobacco Treatment Center.

    Stop smoking will make you gain weight
    •  The fact is, smokers do gain, on average, between five and 10 pounds when they quit. Physiological and psychological changes happen when a person quits. Many mistake a craving for nicotine as a craving for hunger, while others use food as a coping mechanism. However, weight gain is not inevitable; quitting can actually open up new possibilities.
    Smoking Just A Few Cigarettes A Day Is Okay
    • This is totally not true, even you smoke only one cigarette the chemicals will affect to your body directly same as you smoke a pack of cigarette.
    Switching to 'light' cigarettes will cut my risk                                                                                    
    • Smokers who switch to brands labeled "light" or "mild" inevitably compensate for the lower levels of tar and nicotine by inhaling smoke more deeply or by smoking more of each cigarette.
    That's 3 major myth about smoking. what do you think guys? still wanna be a smoker? or STOP smoking starts from NOW

    Wednesday 19 December 2012

    Effect of smoking on the Brain

    Smoking effects on the Brain

    • Smoking blocks the carotid artery. So, blood supply to the brain cells are cut off. This results in stroke, called cerebral thrombosis. Smokers’ risk of having a stroke is 1.5 times more than non-smokers.
    • Smoking also leads to thickening and clotting of the blood.
    • Smoking causes oxidative stress.

    Smoking Myth

    It’s a myth that smoking helps to concentrate and makes a smoker alert. In fact, the speed and accuracy of a smoker’s thinking ability becomes weak. Smoking also lowers down the smokers’ IQ. This fact has been established by a study conducted by University of Michigan researchers. Besides this smoking leads to many diseases and illness.
    The researchers also confirmed that long-term smoking have harmful effects on memory, problem-solving, and IQ. In fact, they viewed that smoking diminishes the thinking ability of a person.

    Source: Youtube - http://smoking.ygoy.com/

    Sunday 16 December 2012

    Secondhand Smoke

    Secondhand Smoke (SHS) also known as Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS). SHS is a mixture of two forms smoke that come from burning tobacco:

    1. Sidestream smoke
    2. Mainstream smoke
        Sidestream smoke is smoke which goes into the air directly from a burning cigarette, cigar, or smoking pipe and Mainstream smoke is the exhaled smoke smokers release after taking a puff on a lit cigarette. the chemicals constituents of sidestream smoke are different from those of directly inhaled (mainstream) smoke.

       Even though we think these as the same, they aren't. Sidestream smoke has higher risk than Mainstream smoke it because the chemicals from the cigarette goes directly into body. as I mentioned in last article, cigarette contains more than 4.000 chemicals and 250 of these are known to be harmful and of course known to cause cancer. 

      Smoking has many ways to kill you and also kill people who don't smoke. SHS directly affects the heart, blood vessels and blood circulation. overtime it can cause heart attacks, heart disease and strokes. babies and children who exposed to SHS are at an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), acute repiratory infections, also frequent asthma attacks also increase the chances to a pregnant to have a spontaneous abortion, stillborn birth and other pregnancy problems. 

    The only way to protect non-smokers from SHS is by separating smokers and non-smokers, smoking at smoking areas is one of the option. also be aware in these places because these places where you can be exposure by SHS:
    1. At work
    2. At home
    3. Private Vehicles
    4. In public places
    There is no safe level of exposure to SHS. any exposure is harmful. that's why you should say "goodbye" to cigarette, love your body and people around you. STOP smoking starts from NOW!

    reference: www.cancer.org 

    Sunday 9 December 2012

    Smoking During Pregnancy

        Smoking Kills - we saw this on cigarette packs but don't you think that smoking is not only not good for you  but your baby too. In fact, so many pregnant woman who cannot stop smoking during their pregnancy, the reason is so unreasonable, "its too early to stop smoking because my pregnancy is still 4weeks or smoking in first four months doesn't harm my baby." this is totally not TRUE, smoking can affect your baby either your pregnancy still in first trimester or not. do you guys know that cigarette smoke contains more than 4.000 chemicals? so, if you smoking during pregnancy this toxic brew gets into your bloodstream. and remember your baby's only source of oxygen and nutrients!

        While none of  those 4.000+ chemicals is good for your baby there are two chemicals that very harmful:
    1. Nicotine
    2. Carbon Monoxide
    Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide work together to reduce your baby's supply of oxygen. Nicotine chokes off oxygen by narrowing blood vessels throughout your body, including the ones in the umbilical cord. it's a litte like  forcing your baby to breathe through a narrow straw. to make matters worse, the red blood cells that carry oxygen start to pick up molecules of carbon monoxide instead. suddenly, that narrow straw doesn't even hold as much as it should.

        Smoking during pregnancy doubles the chances that a baby will born too early or weight less than 5 1/2 pounds at birth and smoking also more than doubles the risk of stillbirth. that's why every cigarette you smoke increases the risk to your pregnancy. maybe you think a few cigarette a day are safer than a whole pack, but the difference isn't as great as you might think. even just one or two cigarette will significantly tighten blood vessels. this is a "light" habit can give a huge effect on your baby's health.

    This is how smoking affect your baby:
    1. Weight and Size
        As I mentioned, how smoking affect to your baby's weight and size, your baby only source of oxygen and nutriens. smoking a pack-a-day will shave about a half-puond from a baby's birth weight, two packs a day could make your baby a full pound or more lighter. while some women may welcome the prospect of delivering a smaller baby, stunting a baby's growth in the womb can have negative consequences that last a lifetime.

    2. Body and Lungs
        Undersize babies tend to have underdeveloped bodies. their lungs may not be ready to work on their own, they may spend their first days or weeks attached to a respirator and after they're breathing on their own, these babies may have continuing breathing problems (this is effects of nicotine). children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are especially vulnerable to asma or have a risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

    3. Heart
        Babies whose mother smoked in the first trimester of pregnancy are more likely to have a heart defect at birth. these babies risk of having certain types of congenital heart defects was 20 to 70 higher that it was for babies whose moms didn't smoke.

    4. Brain Funtion
        Children of pregnant smokers are especially likely to have learning disorders, behavioral problems and relatively low IQs.

    It's not too late, immediately taking steps toward can give huge impact to your life of course your baby. Just remember one thing, while women out there dreaming of having pregnancy, should you who having pregnancy ruin it with a trivial thing but fatal? Absolutely NO.

    A woman is the beginning of life and start it by giving the best during your pregnancy. 
    Stop Smoking starts from NOW! the sooner the better.

    source: http://www.babycenter.com

    Tuesday 4 December 2012

    11 Zat Yang Terkandung Didalam Rokok

    Oleh : Innes

    Foto : Ist
    ​Kebiasaan merokok kini sudah menjadi gaya hidup. Tanpa disadari, racun berbahaya dalam rokok secara perlahan memicu timbulnya berbagai penyakit mematikan.

    Nikotin merupakan zat kimia berbahaya yang sering disalahgunakan. Nikotin mudah sekali ditemukan dalam rokok dimana jutaan orang di dunia menghisapnya.

    Nikotin bekerja dengan cepat dari paru-paru ke otak, yaitu hanya sekitar tujuh detik, dimana merangsang pelepasan dopamin, suatuneurotransmitter atau senyawa kimiawi pada otak yang amat penting dalam menciptakanmood, nafsu makan dan fungsi otak lainnya.

    Nikotin juga diakui menjadi salah satu obat yang paling adiktif. Penggunanya dengan cepat menjadi ketergantungan. Jika seseorang tiba-tiba berhenti mengonsumsi nikotin, biasanya para pecandu mengalami gejala penarikan berkepanjangan, seperti mudah cemas dan mood berantakan. Hal ini menyebabkan pecandu membutuhkan nikotin lagi untuk membantu mereka lebih rileks dan memilikimood yang bagus. Akibatnya, kebiasaan ini sangat sulit untuk dihentikan.

    Apa yang ada di rokok?
    Jika Anda berpikir di dalam rokok hanya terdapat kandungan nikotin, maka Anda salah besar. Ada lebih dari 4.000 bahan kimia dalam satu batang rokok. Bahkan beberapa di antaranya terkenal sebagai toksisitas (racun). Berikut ini beberapa bahan kimia berbahaya yang terdapat dalam rokok, dilansir melalui BBC, Selasa (3/4).

    1. Nikotin: efek fisiologis meliputi peningkatan denyut jantung dan peningkatan tekanan darah.
    2. Amonia: biasa ditemukan dalam pembersih toilet.
    3. Aseton: sering digunakan dalam remover cat kuku.
    4. Vinyl chloride: digunakan sebagai bahan plastik atau pipa PVC.
    5. Kadmium: sebuah logam yang sangat beracun yang digunakan dalam batu baterai.
    6. Napthtalene: zat pestisida yang digunakan dalam kapur barus.
    7. Karbon monoksida: gas beracun yang umum dilepaskan oleh knalpot kendaraan bermotor atau asap pabrik.
    8. Tar: zat yang menyebabkan noda kuning kecoklatan pada gigi dan lebih parahnya dapat menurunkan suplai oksigen ke paru-paru.
    9. Sianida: gas mematikan yang pernah digunakan dalam perang dunia kedua.
    10. Formaldehida: cairan beracun yang digunakan untuk mengawetkan mayat.
    11. Arsenik: zat yang sangat beracun bagi tubuh manusia yang banyak terdapat dalam racun tikus.

    Sunday 2 December 2012

    Smoking vs Beauty

    "About 250 million women in the world are daily smokers. About 22 percent of women in developed countries and 9 percent of women in developing countries smoke tobacco. In addition, many women in south Asia chew tobacco."

    Everybody knows that smoking is bad for your health but do you know that smoking also bad for your beauty? believe it or not but this is the fact how smoking affects your beauty:

    1. Smoking ruins your skin

    *Your  complexion will get WORSE

    Smoking causes premature skin aging, which means by 30 your skin will have clocked up 10 extra years. It also causes discolouration, and abnormal skin growths. Your face will look yellow, sullen and leathery, which is never an attractive look.

    * You will develope premature fine lines around the eyes

    Because of the squinting involved with keeping the smoke out of your eyes, deep wrinkles form around the eyes, including premature crow’s feet. Eyes also become sullen, and dark bags form under them.  Not very glamourous, don’t you think?

    * You will get deep wrinkles around your mouth

    Constant puckering of the lips leads to wrinkles and deep, dark lines around the mouth. Lips will also become dry, wrinkled, and shrivelled. Once this becomes obvious, NOT EVEN Botox can correct it fully, and that’s when lipstick will start sinking into the lines. Ewww... how scary is it?

    And one thing, smoking can loss glow and vitality of your skin. still feel glamorous without  glowing skin? I don't thing so. so, throw them to the trash bag and say goodbye for the last time.

    2. Smoking harms your hair

    Who wants dull, lank and smelly hair? No one I think. but do you know that chemicals in cigarettes cause hair to be starved of oxygen, which will make it dull, brittle and lifeless. It also causes hair loss, premature greying and balding.

    3. Smoking and your lips

    smoking makes your lips darken and unattractive. the cell situated in the bottom of epidermis are affected by smoking causing your lips to darken.

    4. Smoking and Your Eyes

    If you smoke, you risk developing cataracts and macular degeneration (deterioration of the retina of the eye resulting in the gradual loss of eyesight). This condition affects smokers nearly twice as much as non-smokers. Unfortunately, the risk of macular degeneration is only slightly reduced after giving up smoking.

    If you smoke, you run an increased risk of developing cataracts. Smoking is one of the leading causes of visual impairment and blindness. The blood vessels in the retina are sensitive, and can be easily damaged by smoke. Smoking gives rise to a bloodshot appearance in the mucous membrane of the eye.

    Last but not least, the smell of it. It’ll be on your hands, your hair, your clothes and everywhere of your body. Just can imagine a beautiful woman smells like an old cigar. Oh big NO, NO… 

    source: http://allwomenstalk.com/7-ways-in-which-smoking-affects-your-beauty/ - http://buttitout.com/quit_smoking_beauty_tips.htm - http://www.ivillage.co.uk/beauty-side-effects-smoking/76161